P re p a re d f o r S c a n d in a v ia n J o u r n a l o f E c o n o m ic s . C o m m e n ts w e lc o m e . Transaction-Cost stinting apprehension: P a st, P resen t, a n d F u tu re? Robert Gibbons* M IT a n d N B E R April 13, 2010 arise Oliver Williamson is the founder and chief developer of transaction-cost economics (TCE). In this brief essay, on the occasion of his Nobel Memorial Prize, I offer a uncomplete discussion of Williamsons contributions by first summarizing slightly of the accomplishments of TCE-past and then sketching some of the opportunities for TCE-future. Most of the topics in both sections (TCE-past and TCE-future) start with a quotation from Williamsons early work that I regain however speaks volumes today. That is, while fellow travelers and successors have acted on integrity organise of Williamsons insights, helping to produce the accomplishments of TCE-past, another aggregation of Williamsons insigh ts has gone relatively unremarked, creating some of the opportunities for TCE-future.
Keywords: Oliver Williamson, Nobel, transaction costs, demarcation line of the firm JEL codes: D23, L22, L24 * I a m v e ry g ra te f u l to R ic h a rd H o ld e n , J o n L e v in , H o n g y i L i, S c o tt M a s te n , M ik e P o w e ll, J o h n R o b e rts , S c o tt S te rn , S te v e T a d e lis , T o m m y W a n g , a n d B irg e r W e rn e rf e lt f o r h e lp f u l c o m m e n ts , a s w e ll a s to th e P ro g ra m o n In n o v a tio n in M a rk e ts a n d O rg a n iz a tio n s a t M IT s S lo a n S c h o o l f o r f in a n c ia l s u p p o rt. Transac! tion-Cost economics: P a st, P resen t, a n d F u tu re? by Robert Gibbons 1. Introduction In 2009, Oliver Williamson shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics Sciences for his abbreviation of economic governance, especially the boundaries of the firm. More generally, Williamson is the founder and chief developer of transaction-cost economics (TCE), with five books,...If you want to deliver a full essay, orderliness it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com
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